The fourteenth Spring in the City was recently held on a gorgeous sunny day to resounding success. With great weather on our side, a turnout of over 2,500 participants showed up for fun under the sun! The community and beyond came together and spent a wonderful day of excitement and joy playing games, watching lively entertainment, and eating good food. Following our school motto of acting “for the good of all and the sustainable development of the world,” we are proud to announce that profits from raffle tickets sold on the day were over 10,000 RMB, which will be donated to a charity in the near future. In addition, profits from the Grade 2 tote bags sold will also be given to a charity of their choosing.
Under the theme of “The Future,” the event’s entire setting served as the ideal platform for fantastic artwork created by Grade 2 students (with honorary mention going to the Grade 6 students for also helping create some interesting posters to promote the fair). Throughout the second part of this school year, the Elementary School students worked diligently on making products (robots, crazy pens, space helmets anyone?) for the big event. Their works were showcased at the entrance in a “boxed” exhibition that was actually designed by a Grade 2 student!
Of course, a festival is not a festival without entertaining performances, and there were plenty at this year’s Spring in the City. Some of the highlights include beautiful songs sung by our ECC students; taekwondo exhibition; Enrichment Activities Music bands; ES and SS student rock bands; belly dance special by members of the PTA; SS choir and ensemble; and more. Two amazing acts that graced our presence were the teacher bands “Chew the Bone” and “End of the World,” who made attendees move their feet and dance to fun rhythms with their upbeat tunes. It should be noted that much praise and thanks should be given to all the teachers, students, parents, and staff members involved for making this year’s event highly memorable! It was truly a community effort.
未来为你提供绽放自信的舞台——本届游园会我们也一如既往地为未来的主人,BCIS的学生们搭建了高规格的舞台。幼儿园的小朋友们卖力地唱唱跳跳呆萌可爱,小学的学生则演唱了准备许久的原创版游园会主题曲,BCIS的老师和社区成员也带来了点燃现场热情的乐队演奏。我们也希望,今天的舞台能够成为学生们未来舞台的起点,期待他们一步步的成熟绽放。与此同时,中学设计与技术大展也同期拉开帷幕,数十件结合了经典与未来的时尚与科技杰作呈现在大家面前,或许在不久的未来,下一位John Ive将在他们中诞生。
未来不会缺少欢乐的游戏——游戏作为BCIS春季游园会的保留节目一直深受到场的孩子们喜欢,尤其是水上小船、水上跷跷板和海洋球3个游戏总是令他们流连忘返。老师们也准备了套圈、扔飞镖、园艺等多种简单有趣的互动游戏,成为孩子们心中对游园会的独家记忆。 游园会压轴戏幸运大抽奖还准备了乐高玩具、恐龙模型、餐饮券、拍立得相机等重磅大奖,家长委员会(PTA)和学校领导团队也提供了众多精美礼品,游客通过购买抽奖券的方式参与其中。特别值得一提的是,抽奖券出售带来的壹万元收入也全部用于公益事业。在为BCIS社区成员带来欢乐的同时,也为需要帮助的孩子带去未来与希望。
Spring in the City 2019 was another great chapter in the event’s history. Bellies were filled, fun was had, dancing was done, and smiles were had by everyone. We are already looking forward to next year’s fun!