

  IGCSE是目前全球中学生参与人数最多的国际预备课程,很多世界顶尖院校明确要求申请者提供初中阶段(9~10年级)的IGCSE成绩,也是国际上14岁至16岁全世界考试人数最多的体系之一,是CIE(Cambridge International Examination)剑桥全球测试的一部分。对于要申请国外大学的同学来说,这次国际考试将直接影响几年后,学生能申请什么水平的大学。IGCSE课程中有64门科目供同学们自由选择,其中各科语言是必修科目。

  在去年三大国际考试局受疫情影响而取消全球统考的情况下,今年学生们顶住压力,参加了2021 IGCSE夏季考试并取得了不凡的成绩!


  海嘉IGCSE 协调员Mr. Aslam老师分享了他对此次考试成果的解读:



  在参加IGCSE考试的41名学生中,100%的学生获得了ICE证书,其中有45%获得了卓越奖,而Jenny Lu同学更是获得了她全部所选科目的最高分——8科全A*的好成绩,这是非常难得的,全球极少有考生能取得这样里程碑式的成绩。同时,我们也很高兴与大家分享,超过20%的考生获得了5个A*或更高的分数,综合往期数据及不同考试阶段的成绩分析,可以看出学生的进步非常显著。



  海嘉2021届IGCSE学子Jenny Lu在这次的比赛中斩获佳绩,在她所选的语文、数学、英语,经济,ICT(信息通信技术),法语和两门科学科目的8个科目中,她获得了全A*的顶尖成绩。

  问及在准备考试的过程中有没有遇到什么困难又是如何克服困难的时候,Jenny告诉我们,考试前需要通过一系列的考试,而这些考试的时间都是不规律的,有时隔两周有一场考试,有的时候是一天连续有几场考试,所以合理安排复习的时间是一个挑战。“IGCSE每门科目都有一个教学大纲,出题会按照大纲来规划。所以我在复习的时候就会对照每个单元的内容一一练习。” Jenny建议,“在考试前做好充分的准备,这样可以让自己更加从容。”




  IGCSE,全称International General Certificate of Secondary Education,相当于美国SSAT,即中学入学考试。不同于国内传统中学教育,IGCSE的国际化教育项目是在国内教育实践的基础上,结合最新的国际课程发展方向,为国内考生提供世界前沿的教育服务。IGCSE每年有夏季、冬季两次考试,分别在5、6月和11、12月。在选课上,IGCSE也为每位学子提供了更多方向、全方位的课程设置,考生们可以根据自己的兴趣从64门科目中选择合适的科目进行学习,每位IGCSE学生需要最少5门合格成绩才能毕业。作为剑桥大学国际考试委员会的项目,IGCSE的成绩不仅被全球绝大多数以英语为母语的国家所承认,还成为申请牛津、剑桥等世界一流名校的重要参考之一。


  BIBA IGCSE 2021 Results Report

  Congratulations to 2021 IGCSE cohort on their International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) examinations performance this year!

  While IGCSE examination scores are not required for university applications, they can play an important role in scholarship awards and also as evidence of consistent academic achievement over a student’s high school career.

  Taking the IGCSE examinations at the end of Grade 10 helps build confidence in examination sitting and also develop positive student attitudes towards examination challenges.

  We are immensely proud to announce the outstanding IGCSE results of our 2021 IGCSE cohort.

  BIBA IGCSE Coordinator Mr. Aslam shared his IGCSE results report:

  The IGCSE program is a two-year British qualification typically designed for international high school students. The curriculum has been structured and constructed by Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) – a board of education based at the University of Cambridge, UK. It is on par with the highest international standards in terms of education quality, academic rigor, and fair assessment practices. The two-year program culminates in a series of final examinations and coursework submissions spread across three exam sessions. At BIBA, students are registered for the June session each academic year at the end of their tenth grade.

  The June 2021 exam session proved to be a phenomenal achievement for BIBA students, with an array of impressive results that highlight the thriving nature of the IGCSE program at our school.

  A staggering 100% of BIBA’s 41 IGCSE candidates attained the prestigious ICE group award, as compared to 90% of candidates last year. A notable 45% of the candidates who obtained the ICE certificate did so with distinction. On a delightful note, it excites me to report that Ms. Jenny Lu scored 8 A*s and hence received the highest possible grade in every subject she was registered for – a monumental feat achieved by very few candidates across the globe. I also take great pleasure in sharing with you that over 20% of candidates scored 5 A*s or higher as compared to 12% in the last exam session. It must be noted that narrowing in on some of the more specific achievements of the examination session, the full extent of the students’ achievements will become evident.

  We must put on record that these excellent results could not have been achieved without the constant dedication, guidance, and support of all the IGCSE teachers at BIBA. It is my singular honor and privilege to work with such a diverse, motivated, and sincere team of international educators. I take great pleasure in looking forward to continuing our work with you with the prime motive of reinforcing BIBA’s emphasis on fostering an environment that is conducive to life-long learning – one that creates versatile leaders who are bilingual, empathetic, and forward-thinking.

  Congratulations to BIBA’s 2021 IGCSE cohort!

  “Through a series of irregular tests required before the exam, managing time to prepare is a problem.” Jenny Lu, a BIBA 2021 IGCSE student, achieved TOP AWARDs in all A* in 8 subjects, including Chinese, Maths, English, Economics, ICT, French and two science subjects. She shared how she prepared for the examinations and how to overcome difficulties, “ the IGCSE has a syllabus for each subject and the tests are planned according to that syllabus. So when I reviewed, I reviewed one by one according to the content in each unit. "

  Jenny told us that the teachers are very responsible at BIBA, and whenever they have a question to ask teachers on teams during the preparation, the teachers are very responsive in helping them solve the problem.

  Thanks to our whole BIBA community, our students have truly enjoyed the support of a learning environment that encourages them to flourish and accomplish their remarkable achievements.

  Extended Reading:

  Cambridge IGCSE assessment takes place at the end of the course and can include written, oral, coursework and practical assessment. This broadens opportunities for students to demonstrate their learning, particularly when their first language is not English. In many subjects there is a choice between core and extended curricula, making Cambridge IGCSE suitable for a wide range of abilities. Cambridge IGCSE examination sessions occur twice a year, summer and winter, in May and June and November and December. Grades are benchmarked using eight internationally recognised grades, A* to G, which have clear guidelines to explain the standard of achievement for each grade. Congratulations again to our 2021 IGCSE cohort for continuing BIBA’s tradition of academic excellence! Set sail BIBA, the dream is on its way. Together we can achieve anything and make a difference!


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