海嘉国际双语学校学子晋级世界学者杯决赛 !















  继3月份的比赛之后,海嘉国际双语学校学子再度晋级世界学者杯全球巡回赛,7月份的北京,18名海嘉学子共计获得:40余枚银牌, 30余枚金牌,同时,初中组2组选手晋级、高中组1组学生晋级,海嘉共计12名同学晋级耶鲁大学终极决赛!

  世界学者杯(The World Scholar's Cup)是一项针对12-18岁青少年,以团队参与,注重趣味性的国际性学术比赛。世界学者杯创立于2006年,是在全世界五大洲近30个城市巡回举办的国际性学术赛事。

  比赛的项目包括小组辩论(team debate), 协同写作(collaborative writing), 超级学术碗(scholar’s bowl), 学者挑战(scholar’s challenge),结伴越野(scavenger hunt), 才华展示(talent show), 和文化集市(cultural fair) 。该赛事有“中学生学术奥林匹克”的美称,并被维基百科评价为“稳居世界第一的顶尖学术型竞赛”。它吸引了“全球未来的学者和领袖群体”,可以让参赛者“发现你所不知道的潜力”。



  对于已经参加了五轮赛事的Emily 来说,世界学者杯不仅仅是一场全球学术竞赛。它更像是一个齐聚想象力和创造力的乐园。它为每一个学生提供了一片广阔的天地,让他们尽情想象、创造,学会分享、共处,学会更好的交流。在比赛中欢呼、尖叫,在成功中继续前行,在错误中勇敢向前,跳出学校的知识储备,Emily认为,在竞赛中,让她跳出了舒适区。







  不知道你是否有这样的经历,在舞台和灯光下, 你会因为紧张而脸红、难以表达自我。对于第一次参加世界学者杯的Angelina来说,站在聚光灯下是一件极具挑战的事情。
















  Enables students of any background to discover their potential and develop new skills;

  Encourages students to learn to think creatively, have forward thinking, improve teamwork, leadership, research, public speaking and time management skills;

  During the elite stage, students can meet outstanding peers from all over the world whilst establishing broad contacts;

  Students become familiar with international high-end social occasions and their etiquette, experiencing the world’s advanced learning and entertainment combination;

  Gives students the chance to play in the Yale World Finals, at the top of the academic ladder.

  This summer the World Cup of Scholars brought us wonderful memories.

  After the competition that took place in March, BIBA students advanced to the World Scholars Cup Global Tour on the 21stof July. The final scores need to be confirmed.

  The World Cup of Scholars is an international academic competition for 12-18-year-olds, who participate as a team and focus on fun activities. Founded in 2006, the World Cup of Scholars is an international academic event held in nearly 30 cities in five continents around the world.

   The competition will include debate, collaborative writing, the Super Bowl, Scholar’s challenge, scavenger hunt, talent show and a cultural market. The event is known as the ‘Academic Olympics for Middle School Students’ and has been rated by Wikipedia as ‘The Top Academic Competition in the World’. It attracts a ‘global community of future scholars and leaders’ that allows contestants to ‘discover potential you don’t know’.

  For most of the students it was a new academic experience, the format and content of the competition quite different from what they had known before. But the fear of the unknown did not deter them from learning and competing. To display this, we have especially interviewed several students who participated in this competition, to find out their experiences!

  Emily Xu

  To me, the World Scholars Cup isn't just a global academic competition. It's more like a haven where people can gather together and be as creative and as crazy as possible. It reminds us that we are the same, our similarities include our weaknesses and strengths. We all feel awkward at some point during World Scholars Cup, but knowing everyone else also shares those feelings, we start to forget about that awkwardness and start to freely be ourselves. At first, part of me was here just for the free alpacas. But now, I just love the enthusiastic environment of World Scholars Cup (and the alpacas). My favorite event was the Scholar's Bowl. During this event, every senior scholar gathered together in their teams and was given a clicker. Weird questions beyond comprehension were displayed on a screen and we had to choose the right answer in a few seconds. After the announcement of the correct answer, the theatre was filled with a variety of noises. Those who got it right screamed their heads off, followed by thundering laughter. Those who got it wrong groaned and moved on. The whole theatre was alive with the energy of young scholars. I just loved the lively and enthusiastic environment of this event. I also enjoyed it because the questions we were asked were beyond our imagination and were targeted towards general knowledge, not just what we learn in school.

  My biggest achievement was having the chance to go the Yale University and attend the Tournament of Champions again. After seeing everyone else in the round being so good at everything, I became slightly doubtful of myself. However, I know that to succeed and reach my dreams again, I will have to ignore all of them and compete with no one else but myself, which I did. I beat myself by a mile this time. In last year's global round, I received 4 medals. This year, I got 8.

  The biggest difficulty I encountered was the writing event. I am a confident writer, but after the topics were given to us, I was dumbfounded for a second. The only way to answer my prompt was to write an instructional essay. This was way out of my comfort zone as I'm more of a descriptive or narrative writer. I had to think outside of the box and leap out of my comfort zone to finish this challenge. In the end, I submitted a scientific proposal concerning the Stanford prison experiment. Though my essay wasn't the highest in the ranks, I am still proud of what I produced as I was able to challenge myself and try something new in a mere hour.

  I became a lot more confident after attending the World Scholars Cup. Before, I was always nervous when debating, legs feeling like they'll give out any moment while wondering what I am babbling about. But now, after I was given the chance to practice these skills with so many people who are like me, my nervousness slowly faded and I am now able to confidently be myself behind the podium, even winning all three debates in this round! This gave me the courage to keep going, and a confidence that someday, I might be the champion top scholar.


  This was my second time attending World Scholars Cup, and even with the short time I had in between my different rounds, I can clearly see how the program has evolved and is still evolving. It is highly enjoyable and is a highly challenging program as well. Along with its challenging curriculum, it provides an amazing opportunity to make new friends and explore our world, and I feel that this is what really makes it stand out from other competitions.

  As a relatively talkative person, I enjoy debating a lot. Being one of the participants in both regional round debate showcases, I really enjoy the debate department. The interesting prompts that they provided for us really intrigued me, particularly because of their connection to current issues and events our younger generations might be familiar with. One of my biggest achievements in the competition was being able to make so many friends. On the first day of the global round, we were separated from our schools and delegations and sent to different parts of the room to complete a scavenger hunt with people we had never met before. We were forced to do a wide selection of strange things, and I very naturally found friends in my group. One of the biggest difficulties I faced was adjusting to the large environment of scholars when getting up to debate or to perform in the talent show. But with an audience of supportive fellow scholars both on the stage and off the stage, I overcame that challenge.

  I believe that through the World Scholars Cup Programme, I have grown into a more socially apt scholar. My ability to study material over a shot span of time has drastically improved and has helped me with my overall enthusiasm in terms of learning, debating and writing. The interesting subjects that we needed to understand helped me gain a more in-depth understanding of the world we live in.

  This is the 1st time I participated in the World Scholars Cup and after winning the regional round, I came to the global round in Beijing. The thing that shocked me the most through this experience was that I saw myself grow more confident and more comfortable when being in the spotlight. I also can now express what I want to say more easily. In the first round, I could barely squeeze out a few words and my face was as red as a tomato. But in the last global round, I even attempted to smack the table to express my anger in my speech! The most impressive event I participated in WSC was the talent show. I watched each talented (or not) scholar walk up to the stage and express their true selves and let their spirit shine in their chosen way: singing, dancing, or any other talent. I dream of the day when I will gather my courage and stand up there like all these scholars and express myself and shine my spirit to the world. My biggest accomplishment was winning all three rounds of debate in the global round. This was truly not what I expected, since my teammates and I just barely won one round in the regional round. However, in this round I felt at ease expressing my feeling towards the motion and with the help of my teammates, we successfully won all three rounds, which was a big surprise for me. The difficulty I faced in the Global round was that I was disappointed in my score for the writing section. In the regional round I came in fourth place in the individual writing and in first place in group writing. I was expecting more from myself but only got a low score in the global round, and this is an area I need to work on improving in the Yale round. My biggest gain from WSC is that I gained confidence through this experience. I used to be a girl that hated being on stage and would feel so uncomfortable in the spotlight, thinking everyone else would be better than me. But, after going through the programme, I found that I wasn't worse than anyone else. In fact, I possessed the same capabilities as any strong-looking scholar out there, even though I once believed they were impossible.


  This is my second time participating in a WSC global round. I feel like every year, the WSC staff brings more into the programme. I really enjoyed the chairs and alpaca hats and throughout the programme I have made lots of international friends.

   I loved the scavenger hunt so much, because this event is where I made the most friends. I made friends from all over the world, from Korea, from Sudan, from Slovenia… The tasks that we did were silly and fun and they all somehow linked back to the theme. I remember our entire team packed into the giant mouth of a fake dinosaur, trying to pretend we were being eaten by it.


  Our biggest challenge as a team participating in this event was probably getting all theinformation compiled together in order to study it. There were so many little points that we needed to study in depth. Even when we divided all the subject areas equally, there were still a lot of little points for us to research.

  My biggest takeaway from the event is the amount of knowledge I have gained fromparticipating. At first, the study guide seemed to contain information I would never have to know, but after participating in World Scholars Cup, I have discovered that I can utilize my knowledge in daily life as well.


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