
  时间来到2019年,天津大学A-Level国际教育考试中心迎来了办学的第九个年头。2010年,中心获得剑桥大学考试院授权(授权号:CN621),开创了天津市剑桥国际高中和A Level教学考试中心的历史,为广大天津学子带来权威性和认可度高的国际金牌标准课程,帮助学生实现入读世界名校的梦想。



  过往的成绩令人欣喜,美好的未来值得期待。为了给学生提供更为优质的教学服务,不断提升中心教学水平,丰富教学内容。2018年中心获得爱德思考试局授权(授权号:92418),让学生可以根据自身情况选择参加剑桥局或爱德思局的A Level考试。2019年,中心又得到剑桥大学考试院授权,成为剑桥初中(Lower Secondary)的教学中心和考试中心。

  至此,天津大学A-Level国际教育中心已经成为了一家拥有完整Lower Secondary,IGCSE,A-Level课程的英式国际中学。在未来的日子里,中心将继续本着实事求是的办学态度,乐观自信的工作态度,用一如既往的专注和坚持,创造更加辉煌的教育教学成绩。

  The year of 2019 witnesses the 9th anniversary of A-Level International Education Centre Tianjin University. In 2010, the centre was authorized by Cambridge Assessment International Education (Centre NO. CN621) and hence has become the first Cambridge school in Tianjin that offers A Level education and examination, so that local students can enjoy this well established and globally recognized “Golden Standard” curriculum and realise their dream of attending world top universities.

  Over the past nine years, the centre has been dedicating to the cultivation of life-long learners who are confident, responsible, reflective innovative and engaged. Experienced teachers guarantee high quality teaching and outstanding exam results; small-size class ensures individual and personalized attention to each student; professional university application counselors guide students through their journey to university; the abundant teaching resources and beautiful campus of Tianjin University create an inspiring learning environment. 

  By now, the centre has successfully sent many students into world renowned universities and achieved outstanding achievement in education and teaching. What is encouraging is the teachers’ devotion to education and great care for students. Each of the teachers has been trying to improve their professionality and teaching skills. They pay great attention to the cultivation of students’ capability of independent learning while conveying knowledge. We firmly believe that it is more important to learn how to learn than learn knowledge. 

  What we have achieved is inspiring, but the future is what we are fighting for. In order to provide better education, we have improved the teaching quality and expanded the curriculum. In 2018, the Centre was granted authorization by Pearson Edexcel (Center NO. 92418) and hence can organize A Level examination from both Cambridge and Edexcel and students can decide which one to take bases on their academic performance.

  In 2019, the centre got permission from Cambridge Assessment International Examination to offer Cambridge Lower Secondary Curriculum and organize Checkpoint examinations. Now, A-Level International Education Centre Tianjin University is the only British-patterned school in Tianjin that offers Lower Secondary, IGCSE and A Level courses. In the coming days, the centre will stick to the principle of seeking truth from facts, adopt optimistic working attitude and strive to realise greater achievement in education with forever devotion and persistence. 




