2021年10月23日 - 24日,WSC世界学者杯苏州区域赛隆重举行。比赛汇聚了来自14所国际学校的130多位优秀小学者,上海斯代文森国际学校十一年级学生朱昱学(Yuxue Zhu)代表学校参赛并取得优异成绩!
世界学者杯是耶鲁大学的官方支持的综合学术活动,每年围绕一个学术主题设置跨学科学术挑战,涵盖科学、社会学、历史、艺术、文学、通识六大学科,三人一组完成团队抢答(Scholar's Bowl)、协同创作(Collaborative Writing)、知识挑战(Scholar's Challenge)和团队辩论(Team Debate)四大核心竞技环节的挑战。
It’s my honor to be standing on the same stage with the top students coming from different schools and competing against them. It’s also my pleasure to be accompanied by my dearest teammates and fight to the top of the competition. Me and my team spend two days together, we went through many harsh battles against rival debate teams before reaching the top. Personally speaking, archiving the top price for team debate and team writing already sound unbelievable for me. Believe it or not, I have never been trained to preform a debate and it’s my first time taking part in a debate competition. When I am competing with other students, nervous feelings always surround me when it’s my turn to speak, however, as I stand in front of the judges and my opponents I can always present the best and the strongest part of myself.
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