11月21日下午,一场精彩纷呈的学习经验分享讲座在人民大学附中朝阳分校校园举行,此次活动由中心主任助理王明月老师带领School Prefect 和Success Coaching社团共同组织,来自高二的朴浩然、温悦和张澳同学向全体高一学生分享了他们各自独到的学习方法和时间管理、考试规划、思维导图等实用技能。
At an Experience-sharing Seminar organized by Center Director Assistant Ms. Madelyntogether with School Prefects and Success Coaching Club on Monday afternoon,November 21st, 2016, threerepresentatives of outstanding Juniors, Della Piao, Winnie Wen and Olive Zhang gavepresentation to our lovely Senior one students to share grounding and learningmethodology, preparing them to be competent ‘international students’. Pragmaticskill was introduced to Senior 1 students, including time management,Standardized Tests preparation and Brainstorming practice. The beneficialactivity would not have been possible without the school’s horizontal classmechanism, which renders an enhanced school-family spirit spanning freshmanthrough senior class divisions.
During the seminar, Della shared her efficient timemanagement manner with Senior 1 students, helping them to be well-adapted tothe Cambridge Assessment International Education (CAIE) system. She pointed out theimportance of ‘making your own CAIE exam calendars’ and have a clear revision plan before you even get started. Inaddition to time management, Della talked about pragmatic study tips andstrategy to utilize fragments of time, time you spend for frivolities, couldhave been spent on learning new vocabularies or accomplishing a brilliantassignment by accumulation, as what William Blake wrote in his poem “Holdinfinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.” As for Standardizedtest preparation such as TOEFL, IELTS and SAT. Della suggested that “Date likeAug. 27th or Aug. 29th for TOEFL would be desirable, since you got a valuableintegral time period for practicing during the summer vacation; practice playsa crucial role here as the saying goes “fail to prepare means you are preparingto fail.”
Winnie Wen’s verily worthwhile presentation withsubstantial details impressed the audience even more. She vividly illustratedher English learning methodology with intriguing examples and past experiences.The lecturer also suggested that looking at ‘root’ and ‘prefix’ is trulyhelpful when learning a new word. Besides, Winnie recommended several usefulapps such as Merriam Webster and Leci and reference books for TOEFL. Moreover, Winniedrew attention on highlighting; she pointed out that “highlighting words youdon’t know is fairly important, and making annotations besides it would even bemore helpful for later review.” She also introduced how to take Cornell notesand achieve effective note-taking with symbol and abbreviations. “To improveyour English and let it become part of your tool case is utterly essential.Please work on your English diligently, and eventually you will make adifference.” said Winnie at last.
在IGCSE的数学考试中获得了全球第一名的张澳同学向高一同学分享了预习的重要性。通过预习,可以解决一些课本上的生词问题,避免课堂上因为查单词而错过老师的讲解;预习过程中关注书本上的黑体字或者斜体字,这样老师上课时所讲的重点可以更快的找到书本上相应的位置;预习过程中记录下自己的问题,带着问题听课更高效。她还讲述了如何利用思维导图去进行头脑风暴、捕捉思维火花。此外,张澳分享了一个可以下载past paper的网站,同学们可以在该网站上找到往年的试题用于课后的补充练习。
Olive Zhang who is the Global Finalist in the IGCSEMath Examination shared critical information with Senior 1 students. She talkedabout the significance and method for preview and how to take down notes withthe most substantial information in a short time. Olive mentioned how to useMind map to develop the brilliant spark of idea students have got inbrainstorming. In addition, Olive rendered precise and practical exam-takingtips to help students excel in CAIE. When it comes to extracurricular activityand summer school application, Olive mentioned that since these activities areimmensely time-consuming, having two or three superb activities in which youhave fascination and persistence is good enough.
作为高三学长,Success Coaching社长潘建飞在活动的最后也作了分享,他认为,要理解所学知识,经常进行思考,分析考试中的错误,快乐地做想做的事,而达成这一切的前提是不可或缺的自控力。
The Seminarended with four suggestions given to Senior Ones by Allen Pan, Head of theSuccess Coaching club, “There is nothing more important than understanding theknowledge thoroughly, asking questions frequently, analyzing mistakes made inexam closely and having fun like you always do, but with self-control!”
The advantage of Vertical class mechanism ismanifested by this learning experience sharing activity, as Juniors and Seniorsparticipated in the process of planning, organization, and actual practice ofthe seminar respectively. More of this type of worthwhile seminars are comingin December. Let’s wait for them with our palpable anticipation.