
启明星学校总校长图片  欢迎来到启明星双语学校!! 作为总校长,我很高兴向您介绍启明星的种种精彩 。我们以自己出色的员工和双语项目为荣,我们培育学生走向世界并创造不同。

  追求卓越是启明星的传统,新学年又将是美好的一年。 我们非常自豪,启明星是一个以使命与核心价值观引领的、温暖而友好的社区。学校为学生提供出色的教育体验,为他们的学术、协作和批判性思维的发展奠定坚实基础。

  启明星学校正接近满员规模,这是学校发展中激动人心的时刻。 在2019-2020学年,启明星双语学校的两所校区将有超过900名学生。我们是一所快速成长的学校,每年都在增加更高的年级。新的九年级开启了启明星的高中,我们对这些学生寄予厚望。学校完善的支持架构确保学生们超越自我,并认识到自己作为年轻人的全部潜能。 教师和学生之间的紧密关系不仅促进学习,也增加他们探索新兴趣和面对新挑战的机会。学校也注重本地和全球社区的各种学习经验,着重培养学生的领导力。



  Gaye L. Rawding


   Welcome to Daystar Academy!! It gives me great pleasure, as Head of School, to introduce you to all this great academy has to offer. We pride ourselves in our outstanding faculty and bilingual programs that prepare our students to go out in the world and make a difference.

  The new school year promises to be another great year in the long tradition of excellence that has become synonymous with Daystar Academy. I can proudly say that we are a warm and welcoming community guided by our mission and values. We are offering an exceptional educational experience for our students that serves as a foundation for strong academics, collaboration and critical thinking.

  At this exciting time in our development as a school, we are approaching our full capacity. We will start the 2019-20 school year with over 900 students between the two campuses. We continue to be a rapidly growing school, with grade levels being added each year. At our Beigao campus, the new 9th grade opens our high school with continued high expectations for our students. They will be provided with strong support structures so they can reach beyond and realize their full potential as young adults. The close relationship between teachers and students enhances learning and the opportunity to explore new interests and challenges. There will be a focus on providing leadership opportunities through a variety of learning experiences in our local and global communities.

  There is something for every student at Daystar Academy from the wide range of academic opportunities to many after school activities (ASAs). We have a strong culture of community and school spirit throughout the halls and this spirit is celebrated throughout the year.

  Daystar Academy is more than simply an academic institution. This school is unique and successful because of the strong community-centered reputation the school enjoys. There is a valued open and honest relationship with parents and they are active partners in their child’s education journey.

  Gaye L. Rawding

  Head of School

  Daystar Academy

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