General Election Meeting of Student Council
On October 14, 2019, the 2019-2020 student council general elections for the International Students Section were held in the lecture hall. The meeting was hosted by the former President of the student union, Karimov Gismat (Azerbaijan), former Vice President Rubenstein Michael Jordan (Canada), and Park Jun Ah (South Korea).
The campaign process was well-organized and exciting affair. Sixteen candidates gave earnest and imaginative election speeches for the various positions in student council. Candidates outlined their work experience, stated their campaign goals and their advantage over other candidates. Their eloquence, sincerity, and passion were met with applause. In the process of democratic voting, students cast their votes for their preferred candidates.
Afterwards, director Tian Jieping and teacher Cheng Chuanfeng presented the "Excellent Student Council Cadres" award to the last student union cadres, expressing appreciation and gratitude for their contributions to the cultural development of the campus.
The student council is an important student organization that provides students with a platform for self-exercise, self-improvement and self-dedication. Through this general election, the International Students Section student council injected new life into the student council. We believe that the selected students will become the mainstay of the new student council and contribute to the enrichment of campus cultural activities with a positive attitude.
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上一篇:北京五十五中国际部-新学年新起点 各年级迎来“开学第一课”(2019秋季)