
  美国威力塔斯学校北京校区是美国总校在中国境内开办的第一所分校,学校秉承共同学习,成就未来的教育理念,在全球范围内积极整合优质教育资源与多方位、系统性的实践渠道,为开发、提升孩子们的个性成长提供优秀的成长平台。自成立以来成功招收了来自国内各类学校的优质学生,从教学师资、课程安排等方面受到了家长和学生的认可。学生们在紧张快乐的环境中适应纯英文美国原版课程,激发孩子学习的兴趣和主动性,为将来步入美国名校奠定坚实的基础。在秉承美国本校完整的经典教育体系指引下,威校北京特别设立了18个各种青少年俱乐部和志愿者联盟等学生社团组织,部分俱乐部得到热衷教育事业的优秀企业冠名,如六力教育冠名的威力塔斯六力网球俱乐部、美国工业技术集团冠名的USIT威力塔斯游泳俱乐部,这些俱乐部免费为在校生提供课外训练,参加俱乐部的学生每年将免费得到不低于230个小时的专业体育训练! 美国威力塔斯学校北京校区2019届毕业生托福平均成绩104+,SAT平均成绩1420+,100%被美国名校录取,比如:常青藤名校哥伦比亚大学伯纳德学院全额奖学金录取、美国文理学院排名第一的威廉姆斯学院、公立大学前三甲弗吉尼亚大学、加州大学体系加州大学圣巴巴拉、圣地亚哥、欧文、戴维斯、圣克鲁兹的录取、全球排名17名的西雅图华盛顿大学、美国理工名校伊利诺伊香槟、波士顿学院、政治家摇篮乔治盛顿大学、公共管理前三甲的雪城大学、以及公立名校罗格斯大学等!

  Veritas Beijing is the first campus in China, located in a beautiful region with convenient transportation, equipped with advanced and professional faculties. Since its starting date, most outstanding students from domestic schools evaluated by serious, systematic, and scientific assessment adopted in Veritas admission committee, have the opportunity of enrolling in the school. Most parents and students are satisfied with Veritas curriculum, the educators and the English environment of Veritas. The goal is to immerse students in a 100% authentic foreign teaching process, which motivates the students to learn, arouses their studying initiative, and will result in a successful transition studying in the U.S.A. Adhering to the classic educational concept of the Veritas headquarters in America, the Beijing campus sets up teenage clubs and volunteers’ leagues, sponsored by companies that care about the education of teenagers, such as Veritas Liuli Tennis Club and USIT Veritas Swimming Club. Students can get free trainings within these clubs.

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