
  在进行了七周的在线学习后,我们对一部分学生进行了在线采访,他们把在家的时间很好地规划了起来,并充分利用了学校老师提供的在线学习资源,以积极的态度面对当下,让自己在学习上取得了进步。这是系列报道三,请点击链接查看系列报道一和二:【在线学习,德威学生有话说】系列一,在线学习,德威学生有话说-系列2。以下是Alina C., Leo L.和Valeria L.同学的回答:

  Alina C.











  Leo L.



  问题2: 你对布置的作业感觉如何?一般都是什么类型的作业呢?你觉得作业量够吗?一般花多少时间做作业呢?
















  Valeria L.











  My Thoughts about Online Learning-Series 3 After seven weeks of online learning, we interviewed some of our students about their experiences. They planned their time at home well and took full advantage of the online learning resources provided by our school. They faced the present situation with a positive attitude and made progress in their studies. This is the 3rd series, please click the links to see series 1 and 2: My Thoughts about Online Learning Series 1, My Thoughts about Online Learning-Series 2. Here are Alina C., Leo L. and Valeria L.’s thoughts about online learning: Alina C.Question 1: What’s your daily routine like? How do you make your own timetable? Do you prefer a fixed timetable or a customized timetable on your own study needs and progress?

  Answer 1: The first thing I do in the morning is to check my email and Teams to see if there’s any new assignments and lesson materials. I usually finish all my homework the day it is set, so I can learn other things or relax the following day. I like a flexible schedule, which is like that of universities. Since I will graduate soon, I can start getting used to it ahead of time. This way, I can use my time flexibly so that I don’t feel exhausted. Question 2: What do you think about the homework? What types of homework do you have? Do you think you have enough and how much time do you usually spend on it?

  Answer 2: I think there is more homework than when we were at school! Every subject has weekly assignments, and homework normally takes the form of an exercise, while Lifeskills homework mirrors life. Some students don’t finish their homework because they don’t think it is important, and some of them complain about the workload. However, I think we have enough time to finish our homework, and I usually spend 4-5 hours on each subject. It takes me about 3 days to finish all of my homework. Question 3: Do you feel you can get help from your teachers when you need it? Can you provide some examples?

  Answer 3: Even though some of teaches are in different time zones, they would always reply to me immediately and show that they care about me. I got a lot of help and feedback and encouragement. When I have questions about Maths, my teacher would record a video to explain the solution. My subject teachers would all give me feedback about homework, and some gave me the encouragement I needed to complete my homework and study! Question 4: Do you speak with classmates regularly? Does it help your learning?    

  Answer 4:  At home, I speak with my classmates every day, and we help each other. Whenever there is a video or a file that I can’t open, we help each other and improve our learning efficiency. I feel like I’m back at school when I communicate with my classmates, but I miss school. Question 5: Has online learning helped you to form new habits? If so, what?

  Answer 5: Yes, I’ve formed the habit of self-study. Compared to days in school, there is less teaching online, and a lot of lesson materials need to be learnt through homework and materials assigned by teachers, which we must understand by ourselves. I think I finish my homework faster and more efficiently. Maybe it’s because I want to take a rest! Leo L.

  Question 1: What’s your daily routine like? How doyou make your own timetable? Do you prefer a fixed timetable or a customized timetable on your own study needs and progress?

  Answer 1: At first, I was in holiday mode for 10 days. Then I realized something wasn’t right and I switched to school timetable. I imagined myself at school: 7:00 wake up, lessons, lunch, evening study hall, exercise… That worked very well for two weeks, I mean, better than at school, because I did not have to go between classrooms, dining hall, and the boarding house. Then, something was not right. My Imagination clashed with my home environment. I began to lose control. The problem was this: Maths and English homework takes a long time to finish and I often overestimated my speed, which messed up my plans. When your plan is broken, you are basically in holiday mode again. Luckily this stopped soon, Now, for two days, I am experimenting on a new form of timetable: never put two potentially time-consuming tasks together. In the morning, I do math, but as soon as I finish, I read some books (not related to school work) to create a buffer. Now, I never do my English homework before 9:00 in the evening. Question 2: What do you think about the homework? What types of homework do you have? Do you think you have enough and how much time do you usually spend on it?

  Answer 2: Easy question, for Biology and Chemistry, there are weekly assignments, each taking about one hour to finish. Of course, beyond that, I set my own self-learning tasks like doing past paper questions. Maths… daily task, takes about 2 hours to learn and do the homework. English is a lot trickier. But I think it is nice to be challenged. English, unlike other subjects, needs a lot of creative thinking. Homework-related creative thinking, while other subjects require critical thinking.  

  Question 3: Do you interact more or less with teachers and classmates in online learning? Is it good for you?Answer 3: Yes and no. Certainly less with classmates, because at school, I am very “active” in classes. Teachers… no significant change. I even chat with some teachers more. But one big thing: I interact 0 with teachers who do not teach me, but back in school, I could say hi to them when they pass by (that is actually a large number each day). I miss them. Same goes for schoolmates and casual friends. I think it is not good for me because I speak less English, and I want to see them because Homo Sapiens are social animals. 

  Question 4: Do you feel you can get help from teachers when you need it? Can you provide some example?

  Answer 4: I get a lot of help. Teachers reply quickly. It is convenient to chat on teams. It is like a new version of WeChat. Question 5: Do you speak with classmates regularly? Does it help your learning?

  Answer 5: I speak with some of my classmates who are my close friends regularly, but less with causal friends or classmates. Question 6: Do you feel you have progressed in studies during online learning?Answer 6: Yes. I finished Biology way ahead of schedule, self-learning is much faster. Other subjects are learnt at usual pace. However, one big problem is that I forget things faster than usual. Probably because I didn’t focus on revision. I think the teaching faculties should design their assignments and class activities so that we are encouraged to revise what we have learnt. 

  Question 7: Has online learning helped you to form new habits? If so, what?

  Answer 7: Yes. I make plans each day; I did not do that back at school. No preparation, no success (预则立,不预则废). 

  Question 8: How much do you use teachers’ office hours? What do you do with your teachers within that time and how do you find it?Answer 8: Teachers are super hard at work. We do not quite have the notion of “office hours”. As I said, they reply very quickly. Even quicker than replying to emails back in school. You do not go downstairs to their offices to find them and go upstairs again, either. I ask teachers about things I do not understand and things I want to know more about. Question 9: Did you take some time to get used to online learning, or you have adapted it very quickly? Who helped you get used to online learning? Do you have some advice? How do you motivate yourself to stick to your online learning?Answer 9: My dad helped me a lot, mainly by tellingme “预则立,不预则废”(No preparation, no success) repeatedly. My friends helped, too. They are super hard-working people that I become very “stressed” to see them work hard every day while I was still in “holiday mode”. And I thought, social disturbance is both a threat and an opportunity. I cannot let it get me.I motivate myself by making long-term plans and goals with regard to CIE, which is coming in around 70 days. Valeria L.

  Question 1: What do you think about the homework? What types of homework do you have? Do you think you have enough and how much time do you usually spend on it?Answer 1: Every subject has a different type of Homework. English homework is to finish writing a research paper started before the holiday, and Maths, Biology and Chemistry homework is to do weekly exercise. What’s different now is that we need to take notes based on video classes, and teachers will check our notes, which is part of our homework. I think the amount of homework is adequate, and I spend 4-5 hours a day doing it. 

  Question 2: Do you feel you can get help from teachers when needed? Some example?

  Answer 2: I can always get help from teachers when I contact them. For example, there’s once that I cannot open videos on Teams sent from my English teacher, and I contacted her, and she uploaded it to Moodle immediately so that everyone can open it. 

  Question 3: Do you speak with classmates regularly? Does it help your learning?Answer 3: When I encounter learning problems or need to work in groups, I contact my classmates. This is especially convenient and efficient when I have time difference with some teachers. 

  Question 4: Has online learning made you form some new habits that are helpful to you? If so, what is it?  Answer 4: Online learning made me gain some new self-learning skills. Not only do I learn knowledge from materials provided by teachers, but I also find materials I need online. I think this will be very helpful to my university life. 

  Question 5: Did you take some time to get used to online learning, or you have adapted it very quickly? Who helped you get used to online learning? Do you have some advice? How do you motivate yourself to stick to your online learning?

  Answer 5: I think I got used to online learning pretty quickly. At first, I’m not very familiar with Teams, and cannot open videos and pictures, and it wasted a lot of time. I got help from teachers, who provided some valuable learning resources. My motivation is that I need to get good results this year to get into my dream university.

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在苏州德威国际高中,学生安全意味着学校将提供一个安全有效的环境,以便学校的所有学生都能充分发展和学习。 采取一切措施确保我们照顾的学生免受各种形式的虐待和忽视。 因为学校把学生放在首位,所以在学校,学生保护至关重要。


所有就读于苏州德威国际高中和珠海德威国际高中的12年级和13年级的学生都会准备A-Level 考试,并在13年级期末参加A-Level考试。今年,德威国际高中的毕业生表现优异,50%的考生成绩达到A*或A的水平,而全球仅25.5%的考生成绩达到A*或A的水平。



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