2019年5月31日,美国莱斯大学琼斯商学院教授Lin E Giralt来到我校,为上海师大附二外学生带来一场名为《如何成功的申请美国大学》干货满满的分享讲座。
On May 31st, 2019, Professor Lin E. Giralt of Jones Graduate School of Business at Rice University, Texas, came to present a lecture at our school on “How to successfully applyto an American University”.
Lin E Giralt
Professor Lin E. Giralt:
2011- Presen
Professor at Jones Gradute School of Business, Rice University
Current chairman of the Rice University Graduate Alumni Association
Former Chairman of Duke University, Penn Wharton School and numerous other Alumni Associations
Executive Director of Lambda Consulting Group
Test Analytika执行董事
2013- Present
Executive Directorof Test Analytika
ProfessorofUniversity of Houston, Bussiness School
在这场讲座上,Lin E Giralt教授通过不断的反问句式,直击学生内心深处。
By means of rhetorical questions, Professor Giralt went to the heart of the matter and caused the students to think a little deeper about their future studies.
“Why are you going to college? Is it because you have reached a certain age or is for a degree? Do you just want to leave home, be independent and cultivate your own personality? ”
“Do you really need a degree? Is it to simply follow what others are doing or do you love learning?”
“Do you attach importance to leadership? Goal-setting, strategizing, decision-making, organizational structure and design, innovation, leadership, motivation, dealing with diverse personalities in human resource management — what is YOUR forte?
这些问题虽然简单,许多学生表示从未想过这类问题,但是当听到Lin E Giralt教授提问时,才发觉自己竟然连基本的问题都没有思考清楚,内心被深深的震撼到了。
Although these questions were very simple, many students admitted that they had never given much thought to them, but when the professor raised these questions, they were startled to realize that they didn’t have all the answers.
学生陈嘉琪表示:Lin E Giralt教授是一位让人听过他讲座就会立即喜欢他的人,他的思想深刻,看问题的视角犀利。虽然Lin E Giralt教授并没有告诉我们第一步如何递交材料,第二步如何博得面试官好感之类的话,但是他通过不断的提问,教育我们:申请美国大学之前要弄清楚自己想要达到什么样的目标,想要成为什么样的人,做事一定要问我们内心。Lin E Giralt教授就是这样一位将答案蕴含在提问中的睿智长者,令人敬仰。
Student Chen Jiaqi said: “Professor Giralt is a very personable man. His thoughts are profound and the perspective of the questions he raised showed a keen understanding of students and studying. Although he didn’t give us detailed stepson how to submit documentation or succeed in the interview process, through continuous questioning, he educated us. Before applying toAmerican universities, we should first ascertain what it is that we wish to achieve: your goal, what kind of person you want to be…hellip;this is what must be settled in your heart. Professor Giralt cleverly provided many answers by posing these questions; this is indeed admirable.”
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