ILTexas Guangzhou-FLS SCNU has been adhering to the education theory “Embrace China, Embrace the World” and aims at cultivating students into all-round internationalized leadership talents with an internationalized perspective and tri-lingual ability by combining original American high school curriculum with Chinese traditional advantaged curriculum.
华南师范大学附属外国语学校美式高中项目获得美国南方学院与学校协会认证。美国南方学院与学校协会是美国六大地区性认证机构之一,于1895年成立于佐治亚州的亚特兰大,是一私立、非营利组织。协会由高等院校委员会(Commission on Colleges)与中小学促进与认证理事会(Council on Accreditation and School Improvement)组成。
Students will graduate with a diploma accredited by Southern Association of Colleges and Schools (hereinafter referred to as “SACS”) after following the curriculum and getting credits according to the requirements of ILTexas. SACS is one of the six regional accreditation of the U.S., which was founded in 1895 in Atlanta, Georgia. It is a private-run and non-profit organization, which consists of Commission on Colleges and Council on Accreditation and School Improvement.