4月12日,第六届美国学术十项全能中国站 USAD China 2020 正式落下帷幕,深圳南山中加学校学生参加了这一赛事,并取得了多个项目的比赛成果。
April 12, 2020- the 6th USAD China 2020 ended with great success, in which SCCSC students have received a great number of awards.
USAD is an academic competition consists of seven objective multiple choice tests, two subjective performance events, and an essay in ten different subjects.
Due to the corona virus outbreak, USAD has transferred the events to online platform where 8 students from SCCSC received awards.
更为可喜的是,高二1班史胤垚荣获经济学科单项奖铜奖、高二6班骆奕诚在HOSA x USAD联名赛中晋级全球总决赛。
Impressively, Shi Yinyao, SCCSC student from 11-1 won the Bronze medal in the subject of Economics and Luo Yicheng, from 11-6 won the entry ticket to the final round of HOSA x USAD.
Other participants from SCCSC have also achieved different prizes: Liang Yufeng, from 11-6 won the first prize in Presentation and Interview section; 11-6 student, Luo Yicheng won the second prize in the subject of Science; 11-6 student, Zou mingwei won the first prize in the subject of Social Study and the third prize in the subject of Music; 11-6 student, Cai zikang won the third prize in the subject of Social Study, 12-1 student, Zhang yunming won the third prize in the subject of Economics. Furthermore, Zhao Yandan, as the participant tutor who was rewarded as the Excellent Coach!
美国学术十项全能(United States Academic Decathlon)是美国首屈一指的综合学术活动与测评平台,被誉为“通往世界名校的主题通识学术挑战”。此项比赛活动不仅对学生的学术能力和综合素质提出了较高的要求,还考验其沟通能力、团队合作能力以及组织领导能力。许多USAD往届选手通过该学术活动的锻炼后,成功被世界各大知名学府录取。
USAD is an annual high school academic competition organized by the non-profit United States Academic Decathlon.
It means to promote learning and academic excellence among students of varying achievement levels by developing and providing multidisciplinary academic competitions using Academic Decathlon curricula. Many USAD winners were successfully admitted by great universities.
Congratulate the winners and we look forward to seeing more SCCSC students succeed in the USAD competitions.