Lee Academy 线上教学丨停课不停学,齐心战疫情
来源:美国Lee Academy高级中学(上影校区)
为最大限度指导学生安排好在家的学习和生活,美国Lee Academy高级中学(上影校区)教师将利用互联网和信息化教育资源为学生提供学习支持,通过“线上教学”的形式做到停课不停学!
To be honest, this winter holiday is a "surprise."Many people didn't even go out of their homes since the beginning of the break.This was due to the corona virus, which broke out in Wuhan during this year's Spring festival. Eversince, surgical masks have become luxury products. Almost every single mask left in drugstores or anywhere else was sold.
尽管疫情肆虐,在Lee Academy老师们的共同努力下,我们拥有了线上课堂。使用ZOOM授课,MOODLE平台提交作业的方式使得这个被迫延长的假期变得充实起来。从2月24日起,学校将正式按照学校的课表,一天四节课,学生们在家也能像在学校一样学习。通过视频会议,老师们可以看到所有学生稚(pu)嫩(shi)的小脸蛋,就和在学校上课没什么两样。
Despite the dilemma Coronavirus brought to us, with the help of all Lee Academy teachers and administration, students from Lee Academy were granted the privilege to enjoy online courses even though we are all stuck at home. We meet with teachers using the app called ZOOM and hand in our homework on an online platform called MOODLE. Our holiday has become meaningful and substantial. Starting from February 24th, Lee Academy will provide five days a week of classes, according to students' original course schedule, enabling all students to study at home. Through video lessons, teachers are able to see everyone's faces. It feels like we are at school.
The great Internet connects all of us, including students at home and teachers who are currently in other countries. Our principal Mr. Holt joked about how they "built a school in 2 days", which is very impressive and a lot of hard work.
作为Lee Academy的一名学子,在第一周,也就是ZOOM网课的适应期的感受也十分丰富。一方面身为一名被关在家里,快要被闷到发霉的中国公民,能通过网课接触到学校里熟悉的老师和同学,自然是感到欣慰了不少。另一方面,作为一名仍未长大的孩子,贪玩的心理还是有的,有时候会暗自想着为什么会发明出网课这种东西。贪玩归贪玩,紧迫的事件带给我们的压力还是有的,因此才能有尽管人在家中,依旧努力学习的动力。
As one of the students at Lee Academy, I enjoyed the first-week experience of online courses. From one point of view, I'm so glad thatI can still meet my classmates at home.Before that I was honestly bored to death. From another perspective, ZOOM and MOODLE are new toys for me.I often wonder how and why these online course tools were invented.However, college applications arejust around the corner, and we must get back to study right now. Luckily, with the help of online courses, we can do so.
疫情期间,大家请乖巧地尽量减少外出,出门记得戴上口罩,做好防护措施,希望大家能够度过充实的寒假,并且能够平安地回归Lee Academy校园。
During the outbreak of Coronavirus,I urge everyone to stay at home, wear masks outside of the home, wash hands regularly, and do everything you can to protect yourself and your family.I hope everyone had a meaningful Winter Holiday and is now enjoying the online learning experience at ALAIS.We look forward to returning to school soon!Fingers crossed!