Thanksgiving is a corner stone of American tradition. It a day when family and friends gather to spend time with one another, give thanks for another year together, and of course feast. With origins in the mythos of the pilgrims in New England; Thanksgiving became an American mainstay with President Abraham’s Lincolns Thanksgiving Day Proclamation. Each family has its own unique take on thanksgiving reflecting the diverse heritage and patchwork of cultures that make up America. Here at Nobles Hills Academy (NHA) we continue this proud tradition and answer Lincoln’s call for “those who are sojourning in foreign lands” to have a day of thanks. 感恩节是美国传统的奠基, 一个家庭团聚, 朋友相邀共度的欢乐之日。在那天, 感恩的祝福四处洋溢,当然, 盛宴美食是必不可少的环节。在新英格兰朝圣者的神话中,感恩节是美国人的主要节日,亚伯拉罕总统的林肯感恩节公告也是感恩节的重要组成部分。每个家庭对感恩节都有自己独特的看法,反映了组成美国的多元文化和拼凑而成的文化。在上海新虹桥中学NHA国际高中,我们继续这一自豪的传统,并响应林肯的号召,“那些在异国他乡的人”有一个感恩的一天。
The entire NHA family was invited to take part in a massive feast with students, faculty and staff feasting together. The center piece of every thanksgiving feast is the turkey. With so many students we had 4 of the prize birds roasted to perfection, and hand carved by our Head of Schools John Mandina. With turkey and gravy the heart of our meal we also reflected the inclusive sprit of America and provided Chinese dishes to complement the turkey. The entire meal was topped off by our Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) which provided sweet treats for the students. PTO had plenty of sweet red bean soup and Tánghúlu on hand to satisfy the craving for desert to finish off such an amazing meal. Thank you so much to our outstanding parents for providing us with the perfect cap to the day. Students, faculty, and staff, ate, relaxed, and gave thanks for the time we spend together. The perfect way to celebrate thanksgiving.
整个NHA的全体员工和学生们共享盛宴, 感恩生命中所有的相遇, 陪伴过的人事物。火鸡-在感恩节中必不可少的分享食物, 成了第一道上桌的“主菜”。 4大只精美烘烤的火鸡早早的被摆上餐桌。 NHA校长John Mandina 先生亲自切火鸡, 摆盘,和全体师生分享感恩的气氛。火鸡和肉汁是我们用餐的核心,这也体现了美国的包容性精神。
整个会餐以家长提供的甜食分享中画上句点。 家委会准备的食物种类繁多, 桂花红豆圆子汤, 糖葫芦等等。 圆子汤的清香、色彩缤纷的糖葫芦不仅让学生们重温儿时的记忆, 也让这次感恩活动在美食、笑声、感谢中圆满的结束了。 再次感谢家委会的成员们为活动付出的辛力, 时间。最后, NHA全体师生感谢路上有的陪伴, 感谢一起挥洒汗水的时光。
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