






  Good choice of the rhetorical usage of ‘I’ statements which created a distinctive phonation, resonance, and articulation of your delivery to be very effective. You have measured your rhythm and volume to synchronized with the images and sound effects underscoring every word, sound, and consonant clearly resulting in good diction, and pronunciation. You have used your chest to resonate lower pitches which added gravity to your statements and alternated the sound effects with higher head resonances to provide variation in tone. You use your voice very effectively to communicate ideas, emotions, and dramatic ‘I’ truths. ‘I’ statement dominate you message culminating the final question when you change to addressing your audience with ‘YOU’ declarative dogmatic statements bringing the message so forcefully and placing it in our communal lap. Such a good effort!

  Sunny, 你在配音里很巧妙地选用了“I statement...”的修辞手法,创造出与众不同的发声效果,引起共鸣,使得表达非常有效。配音时,你的节奏和音量都拿捏到位,与画面和音效保持了精准同步,并通过加强每一个单词,音调和辅音,达到了很好的吐字发音效果。而且,你利用胸腔发声,让低音产生共鸣,使叙述沉稳有力,同时与高音交替变换,从而产生了语调的高低起伏。你会有效地利用嗓音去交流思想,表达情感,并传递“我的真知灼见”,令人印象深刻。“I statement...”的修辞手法统领全篇,直至末尾,风格突变,改用“You statement...”的修辞手法,向观众发出诘问:“我,大自然,已经准备好了,会继续前行,你们人类呢?”这一问,掷地有声,发人深省。




  Channy, such a cleaver usage of very personal and even conversational style to deliver your message. You are employing pragmatic aspects of communication to deliver the intelligibility and comprehension of the impending doom. Linguistic dynamic in terms of range, vocal color or timbre, the weight of voice is conversational. You speak calmly, clearly and precisely, in “as a matter of fact” way. You evoke an emotional response not by raising your volume, pitch or even color of your voice, but by simple inflection the end of your presentation. Your rhetorical question at the end is threateningly foreboding, sinister, and possessing the qualities that foreshadow catastrophic revenge. Your delivery was a tour de force in its effectiveness ….. well done!

  Channy, 你巧妙的运用非常个人化以及对话风格来传递你的信息。你采用了语言交流中的实际语用方面来传达对即将到来的厄运的理解和领悟。你的声音从音域、音色或音质方面,都给人以一种交谈对话的感觉。你以”实事求是”的态度冷静、清晰以及准确地讲述了大自然中正在发生的一切。你不是通过提高音量,亦或是改变你的音色去唤起他人的情感反应,而是在演讲结束时通过简单的音调变化来引发他人的共鸣。你最后的反问句给人以一种可怕而不详的预感,并且有着预示灾难性报复的特质。你的配音作品在情感表达及感染力方面可以说是一流的,做的非常棒!



  Your voice timbre, pacing, and phrasing was so on point for the message delivered. Listening to your voice I could feel the icy cold enveloping me. The clarity of your voice and the sombre calm created the atmospherics that underscored the impending doom and made it so much more terrifying, because it was spoken with such restrained conviction and force of the inevitable catastrophe. You have very distinctive voice, for voice overs, or radio production…as it has those sought-after qualities like being commending and yet sincere. Good work!

  Friday, 你声音的音色、节奏和措辞都恰到好处,听着你的声音,我感到寒冷的冰包围着我。你清晰的声音和忧郁平静的背景营造了一种氛围,强调了即将到来的厄运,并暗示这个厄运会变得更可怕的,因为你的诉说语调克制中带有笃信,包含一种灾难来临势不可挡的气势。你的声音非常独特,无论是在配音还是广播节目中,因为你的声音有着那些广受欢迎的品质,比如饱含溢美之词却又让人觉得真诚无比。非常棒!




  Yatina, when you sent me the clip you dubbed, I ignorantly dismissed it as – it’s not her…. It is a professional voice dubbing artist who created this clip, and Yatina is pretending it is her voice. It is just too good to be Yatina.

  Yatina, you have my sincere and humble apologies, I dismissed it as being you because it was so, so, good.

  You have captured the innocence, the sincerity and seriousness all in your voice, in your diction, your empathy that so deeply brings to forefront this problem of global warming.

  Alternating you voice choices, through conversation, and the patient, wise and so simple explanation of what can happen to all of us, your dubbing is so poignant, so frank, and so, so, compelling. It was absolutely perfect for the message, as the saying goes, “An innocent child will lead you….”

  Delivering your massage in quiet, patient and simple way you captured the somber tone to address the problems we are all facing without shouting, waving arms or generating hysteria, but nevertheless letting all realise how desperate and dire the global warming problem facing us is.

  Yatina, your submission is so, so, good that it can stand along with the very best









  Daisy, I just love your choice of the platform to deliver your message, so lively and lovely and yet so simply, unabashedly, innocently arrogant, stating the obvious and overlooked message of natural disaster. Yes, without plants no life of earth as we know it would exist, that simple or very complex chemical process of photosynthesis is the source of all life. Without pollination, we would be all dead, and would be denied the beauty and the colour and the infinite variety of flowers.

  Your lighthearted tone was just perfectly reflected in the images and musical background. Your choice of vocal resonance, relaxation, rhythm, and pacing enabled you to develop the voice you wanted to reflect your personal message. ‘I might be pretty, I might frivolous, I might be taken for granted, but do this at your peril, because without me, you are nothing.’ You have employed all the components of speech production to deliver such a lethal massage and did it with the spirit of frivolity and fun. Absolutely delicious and delightful!

  Daisy, 很欣喜你用配音的方式来表达自己的思考,大自然所遭受的苦难是显而易见却又极易被人类所忽略的。在这部生动活泼的作品中,你以傲慢的姿态向人类发出了提醒,但这种傲慢里尽是一朵花的简单和纯粹,没有任何让人不适的多余情绪。是啊,没有植物,万物都无法存活,就是那么简单却又不简单的光合作用孕育了一切生命。花朵得不到授粉,万物都将不复存在,没有这些草儿,就没有美丽、缤纷和品种繁多的花儿。




  Kevin, in your rendition of the Nature Speaks Dubbing Contest the sound of your voice makes a very strong impression. Your voice has a sound quality of being deep, full, and reverberating. The baritone timbre of your voice, the tonal quality of the its overtones increased the intensity and clarity of the message. This was further intensified by the good rhythm which you employed in your reading. Good rhythm is an essential part of a great voice; you sound is smooth, not choppy, and you have achieved this by extending your vowel sounds and sliding your words together. As a result, your message is clear and precise. You have communicated your message with effectiveness and confidence, using range, vocal color and timbre of language production to further the comprehensibility of the message.

  Kevin, 你的声音在大自然在说话配音比赛中给大家留下了深刻的印象,你的声音有一种深厚饱满且富有弹性的质感。男中音般的音色和宽广的泛音增加了所传达讯息的清晰度和辨识度,这在你富有节奏的朗读中得到更进一步的强化。良好的节奏韵律是好声音的重要组成部分;你的声音是平稳的,而不是断断续续的,你通过拓展元音发音和连读实现了这一点,因此,你声音的表达是清晰而精准的。你用有效且自信的方式传达了你的讯息,用宽广的音域,富有质感的音色加深了讯息的可理解性。



  Nature Speaking Contest,

  My warmest congratulations to all the students who have participated in the contest. Such a magnificent showing of creativity, love and dedication to the global conditions that are affecting all of us and have such devastating effect on our beautiful planet and vulnerable lifeforms with which we share our home.

  Every one of you is a winner because you recognize the seriousness of this issue and our own contribution to what we as human species have done to our home and to ourselves.

  But as long as you become and remain vocal advocates for the future of our planet and actively embrace life styles that will lead to mitigation of some of the damage that has been done by us, you will all remain winners and heroes!




上海外国语大学贤达经济人文学院国际课程中心 · 预约看校


















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