Exclusive Invitation 邀请函|相约广州爱莎国际学校线下交流见面会
Dear parents and special friends,
It is our honour to invite founding families and special friends of ISA Science City International School, to our exclusive pre-opening event. Bringing together staff, founding families, key partners and special friends, this event will be an exciting opportunity for us to gather one final time prior to the opening of the school.
Our Head of School, Mr. David Edwards, will host an insightful information session. Included the presentation will be introductions of key staff, updates on our exciting campus construction, as well as clarity on tasks remaining during the final five weeks of pre-operations.
在活动中,校长David Edwards先生将为来宾带来一场深入的信息分享会。通过此次活动,您将清晰了解到以下内容:卓越的校园团队、令人振奋的最新校园建设动态以及正式开学前最后五周内的精彩活动信息。值得一提的是,爱莎科学城的专属校徽也将首次正式亮相,校长将带领大家深入解读校徽中不同元素象征的深远意义。
The event will be supported by our facility management, catering and school uniform partners. Guests will have the chance after the presentation to learn more direct from ISA Science City staff, programme coordinators and our support partners.
广州天河爱莎外籍人员子女学校 · 预约看校