

  We are reaching the half-way point of this school year. In this school year, we had held our semi-annual college counseling workshop, and we have met one-on-one with HS students’ parents about setting college admission goals. This communication is to elaborate on the college counseling agenda for the rest of the school year.


Update of Oversea College Admission


  2019-20大学升学季如期在10月份展开。首当其冲的是英国大学院校的入学考试(UCAS)在十月初展开。然后是美国大学ED(提前录取)和EA(提前行动)轮在十月底截止。在11月份加州大学全部分校唯一一轮申请展开。在12月份,ED轮录取已经逐步放榜。其中,美本前30名常客的波士顿学院公布了今年ED轮的录取统计数字:在1700份ED申请中,36%的申请学生获得录取,平均SAT分数为1412, ACT:32分)。这个数字给了同学们努力目标的参照。


  SIBS graduating class of 2020 had just finished the last SAT test of the college application season. They will soon immerse into their RD-round application due by January 1, 2020. Let us wish our SIBS graduates good luck!

  The 2019-20 College application season opened in October. UK UCAS entrance exams rolled out the curtains. U.S. Early Decision and Early Action rounds followed and were completed in October. In November, all University of California campuses are hauling in applications for the only round. In December, ED results are being announced. Perhaps, we can draw hints from the Top-30-frequent Boston College’s ED statistics. BC receives just over 1700 early decision applications, and BC offered admission to 37% of applicants. The average standardized scores for the accepted students are SAT:1412, ACT:32. These numbers provide goals and motivation for our SIBS students.

  The reported early decision acceptance for Top 10 US colleges and universities are largely on-par with last year. There is one accepted student by Stanford University who previously enrolled in Shenzhen Academy of International Education founded by SIBS’ Head of School, Dr. Chen. Through our communication, this student is highly qualified with 15 AP with scores of 5. She is a National Merit Scholarship finalist in the US with 99% percentile in G11 PSAT. Her SAT score is 1590. Again, these data provide incentive and model for SIBS students to reach.


Registering for TOEFL




  SIBS Grade 10 students, according to our college counseling timeline, shall attempt for the first time TOEFL no later than the half-way point of the Grade 10 year and should aim for a TOEFL score of 90 (out of 120), usually the cut-off line for Top 50 US colleges and universities. Grade 11 students who still have not achieved this score line shall work hard and hurry. Grade 9 students can decide according to his/her own circumstance on when to first attempt for TOEFL.

  If a student prepares to take February TOEFL, he/she shall plan accordingly for preparation steps during the two upcoming school breaks.

  For SIBS high schoolers who have achieved a TOEFL score of 90 or above, they can start studying for SAT at their own pace. Khan Academy’s online course is a good starting point. Students can also access the reading list published by Collegeboard, the administrator of the SAT to read up literary background books for SAT.


MSHS Vocabulary Contest



  Level 101-110: 对应中考难度

  Level 201-211: 对应高考难度

  Level 401-405: 对应国内大学4级

  Level 601-605: 对应国内大学6级


  In order to encourage students to prepare for TOEFL and SAT actively, and build up the habit of proactive accumulation, SIBS MSHS will organize a first-ever English vocabulary contest during the week of January 6-11, 2020. The vocabulary lists for this contest will be released shortly along with the notice of this contest. But students can access directly the following website to see the range of words that will be in the contest.

  Students can get started at any level of words on this page according to his/her own circumstances.

  Level 101-110:

  Corresponding to Chinese High School Entrance Exam

  Level 201-211:

  Corresponding to Chinese College Entrance Exam

  Level 401-405:

  Corresponding to Chinese College Level 4 Exam

  Level 601-605:

  Corresponding to Chinese College Level 6 Exam


  Corresponding to TOEFL exam


Encourage all grade level students to sign up NHSDLC Debate Winter Camps


  SIBS has initiated debate and MUM clubs in this school year. These clubs are the first step towards leadership development for our students. Debate experience is the most valued extracurricular activity in the US college admission process. It can also enhance students’ eloquence and communication skills. Because of these factors, we highly encourage SIBS MSHS students with a medium and above English grade to enroll in the winter camps (during Christmas and Chinese New Year breaks) organized by NHSDLC.


Summer Activity Planning for HS G9-11 students


  We encourage G9-11 students, starting in January, 2020 to consult with SIBS College Counseling office to research and plan for 2020 summer activities. For G11 students, the upcoming summer is the most important period for standardized test preparation. But don’t forget to keep participating in the long-term activities that you are already in. G9-10 students shall consider summer schools and summer academic activities in camps oversea or in China.

北京君诚双语学校 · 预约看校


















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