【Hi,南京汉开书院!】双语部 | 夏季艺术展——陶艺体验课
For the first time, pupils at Hankai Academy participated in the Summer Exhibition at Shixi Gongfang Workshop Gallery.
Leila 骆欣妍,Sherry 周姝言
James 李金轩,Miumiu 杨羽添
Joanna 陆荟羽,Sherlock 孙大圣
Beryl 陈婧妍,Emily 林沁雯
At the start of the afternoon, the pupils were given the opportunity to explore the picturesque landscape which would act as the backdrop for their drawing lesson later on in the day.
When they arrived at the gallery they were greeted with a choice of handmade cakes and freshly squeezed tropical juice.
The workshop’s lesson objective was for all pupils to create a pottery design that would be practical to use but should also look beautiful and elegant. During the two-hour workshop session, they were taught by刘玲玲, Michael Butler, their art teacher, and Sophie秦笑. They were able to discover and learn new ways to create three-dimensional objects by using clay-modelling tools.
By coming out of the classroom environment they were able to experience how art and nature are connected. Consequently, the art class became more visceral for the students, they were more responsive to questions and they listened to the art teacher more intently because of the relaxed atmosphere.
They were encouraged and instructed to feel free whilst drawing quickly and to draw from observation. The ruby-red flowers and the lush green plants in the lily pod were a wonderful way to promote the creative arts to young aspiring art students.
Art classes are teaching pupils at Hankai Academy to have freedom and experience enjoyment in the creative process.
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