成都爱思瑟国际学校五年级英文阅读活动,是4 月 23 号是”世界图书和版权日” (World Book and Copyright Day)也是英国文学巨匠Williams Shakespeare 生日纪念日。
April 23rd of each year is World Book and Copyright Day, which is also the birthday anniversaryof Williams Shakespeare, a great British literary master.
为了庆祝这个重要的日子,成都爱思瑟国际学校五年级全体学生在 Mr. Jeff Goh 的带领下,联合学校图书馆从三月中旬开始,开展了“我最喜欢的一本书”的阅读分享和竞赛系列活动。
To celebrate this important day, CDES fifth grade students under the leadership of Mr. JeffGoh, have launched a series of reading, sharing and competition activities of “My Favorite Book” along with the CDES Library since mid-March.
学生们踊跃参与,从挑选自己最喜爱的一本书开始,撰写读书报告,设计海报,编写Powerpoint 文档,到最后参加班级海选。最终 5 名选胜进入了 4 月 23 日的阅读陈述决赛轮。CDES3-7 年级教学督导 Mrs. Jeannette Edwards (Academic Director for Upper Elementary andMS), CDES Team Director Mr. Roy Edwards 先生,以及深受学生爱戴的音乐老师 Miss. Laura Smith, 作为决赛轮的评委,评点并选出了“我最喜欢的一本书”的获奖选手。Henry Wang 凭借书籍“Wonder”的阅读分享,得到了第一名。Miya Wu, Cecil Jang, Zoe Liu, 以及 Peter Zhang 得到了荣誉奖状 (Certificate of Award) 。
Students actively participated, starting with choosing their favorite book, writing book reports,designing posters, writing Powerpoint documents, and finally participating in claauditions. Finally, the five winners entered the final round of Reading Statement on April 23.Mrs. Jeannette Edwards (Academic Director for Upper Elementary and MS), Mr. Roy Edwards,CDES Team Director, and Miss Laura Smith, a music teacher beloved by students, judged the final round and selected the winner of “My Favorite Book”. Henry Wang won the first prize by reading and presenting the book “Wonder”. Miya Wu, Cecil Jang, Zoe Liu, and Peter Zhang received Certificate of Award.
通过持续 5 个星期的主题竞赛活动,五年级的孩子们更加理解到阅读的重要性,阅读不仅是学习知识的工具,更是通向人类伟大心灵的桥梁。让我们帮助孩子们爱读书,读好书!
Through a five-week theme activity and contest, the fifth-grade children are more aware of the importance of reading. Reading is not only a tool for learning knowledge, but also a bridge to the great souls of humankinds. Let us help children love reading and read good books!
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