昆山加拿大国际学校家长会 | 以学生为主导,建立沟通的桥梁

  On April 23, the Canadian International School Kunshan held a school-wide parent meeting. The student led conferences replaced our usual parent/student/teacher meetings and were part of the requirements for implementing our IB Primary Years Programme. It was an opportunity for children to share their learning with parents. And the parents can discover and explore how their children learn in an inquiry-based class environment.


  The student-led conference is a meeting where the student leads a discussion and explanation about their learning with their parents. The teachers help to prepare the student before the conference. On the conference day, the student operates independently.

  由学生主导的家长会是学生与家长共同讨论、解析自己学习成果的会议。老师在会议前会帮助学生做准备,但是在会议当天,学生将会独立行动,这正是IB PYP项目的重要一步。

  Our students Introduced their learning environment by a classroom tour and showed parents samples of their work. They also explained how they finish their work and how they feel about their work. And the students discussed the strengths they have with their parents and explain some aspects of their learning that may be challenging, and what they can do to improve those areas.

  Meanwhile, the parents gained insight into the kind of work their child was doing and were offered an opportunity to discuss it with their child. Finally, they known how to set Learning Goals together to address areas for growth.




  Compared to the traditional parent meeting, the student-led conference enable children to take an active role in their learning. They have to take ownership and responsibility for their work and see progress and development over time so that they become more aware of their own learning processes.

  Students have voice, choice and ownership for their own learning.(From IB PYP The Learner)



  The IB PYP program has a balanced teaching structure. It uses three forms of learning, reporting, and evaluation to consolidate students' learning achievements in an all-round way. The student-led conference belongs to the "reporting" part. During the conference, the students and parents will establish a non-antagonistic and harmonious relationship. The parents can establish a sense of trust with their children through communication and respect, and work with the school to create a learning environment for children to grow up healthily.


  IB PYP项目拥有完整且科学的教学框架,以学习、汇报、评估三种形式,全方位巩固学生的学习成果,以学生为主导的家长会就属于“汇报”的部分。


  From CISK Parents/CISK家长感想


  (SK1 Cecelia家长)


  (JK1 Quake家长)


  (G2 Usydo家长)

  The conference touched me deeply. My child made great progress in English and She had learned a lot of knowledge. The teacher is very responsible. The materials are organized in an orderly manner. The Instructional design of CISK is logical, from the shallower to the deeper, in line with the child's cognitive development process, and the child has a sense of accomplishment. The child's vocabulary exceeded my expectations and can express confidently and fluently. (SK1 Cecelia's Parent) My child's school life is rich and colourful. It is meaningful for them to be the masters themselves. We are very pleased that children can introduce life in school and the knowledge they have learned on their own, which is better than we imagined. (JK1 Quake's Parent)

  This is a good conference and a good review for my child. My child is happy, confident, occasionally shy, and full of energy at school. I hope to explore more and deeper things with my child in the future on topics she likes. Thank the teachers for their hard work! (G2 Usydo's Parent)



  (SK2 Ansel家长)

  “我们非常喜欢这次的家长会。在学校和家庭之间开展一场学生主导的会议是一个绝妙的主意。我们觉得我们了解到有关班级和孩子们的更多信息,也学到了关于孩子的东西,这是我们在家里不知道的。这将帮助我们与老师一起更好地指导和帮助孩子快乐地成长。 ”

  (NS1 Elizabeth家长)

  Teachers played important roles in my child's learning objectives. Ansel wants to become a scientist but I didn't know why and where his ideas came from. All I know is he enjoys so much on his science lab CCA. Today I learned that Ms. Elizabeth passionate for science or STEM and that passion is motivating Ansel in a positive way. I appreciated it so much.

  (SK2 Ansel's Parent)

  We enjoyed the meeting very much. It is an excellent idea to have a student-led meeting between school and families. We felt we had learned more about the class and our children. we did learned something about the child which we could not know from home. This will help us work together with the teachers to better guide and assistant the child to grow up through this phase happily.

  (NS1 Elizabeth's Parent)



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